A better picture as promised

This is one of my all time favorite “summer” photos. I say “summer” because if I remember correctly I actually took it during a pre-season game in February, but I still say baseball screams summer. America's Past Time

Although today is Wednesday and Wednesday is crock pot day, we are abandoning the crock pot (don’t worry it’s just for one week) and embarking on an international culinary adventure. Well, it probably isn’t international at all since I am making it from a box mix and it is in all reality the very American version, and it really isn’t an adventure since I have made it dozens of times before. However, it is delicious and it has been a long time since I have made it;  so tonight we take on Pad Thai. One day I hope to discontinue my relationship with the box and make this delightful dish on my own, but for now we work with what we can.

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Filed under Find of the Week

One response to “A better picture as promised

  1. Awesome picture! Good luck with the Pad Thai yo.

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